Competition Shorts – Offline Film Festival

Competition Shorts

Competition Shorts Programme

Saturday 12 October

Birr Theatre & Arts Centre | 1.30pm



Once again, we received hundreds of short films for consideration this year.

This programme of live-actions shorts features Irish and International films specially selected to compete for our Best Irish and Best International awards.

The winners will be announced at our Awards Ceremony on Sunday 13 October at Birr Theatre & Arts Centre from 1pm.





Cantata / Dave Fox / Ireland

Piece by Piece / Reza Rasouli / Austria

Barry vs The Binman / Craig Moore  / Ireland

Mijo / Mazdey Snob | Mexico

PANTO / Kate Stanley Brennan / Ireland

Findlater / Allyn Quigley / Ireland

Why did you leave the Horse alone? / Faouzi Bensaïdi / France

The Last Straw / Andrias Høgenni / Faroe Islands

Sound & Colour / Emma Foley / Ireland

A Summer’s End Poem / Lam Can-zhao / China

Friends of the Outside / Annabel Moodie/ UK

All That’s Carried / Rosie Barrett / Ireland 

Wrecker / Martina McGlynn / Ireland

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