2021 OFFline Award Winners
Love in the Time of Corona
Megan K Fox
This smart and funny timely look at the finer details of life during a pandemic, explores the important issues you won’t be hearing about on the RTÉ News COVID reports! Well acted with some genuine laugh-out-loud moments, the director demonstrates a great understanding of the specific art of short-form filmmaking.
The Child of the Subway
Nathan Le Graciet
For how its poetic cinematography helps to tell the story about an issue that every society faces; for the manner in which the director avoids a straight- forward narrative solution.
Ewa Smyck
This film is an example of how seemingly everyday images can be handcrafted to tell a truly compelling sophisticated story of growing up and leaving home while still staying true to yourself and your roots.
The Night I Left America
Laki Karavias
While anxiously awaiting the results of this mother’s visa renewal request, a teenage boy from Texas is confronted by buried memories he left behind in Uganda.